If all that's correct, direct your attention to the dust bag. When opening the bag if included, it should have the 'Double G' logo on the extra plastic inside. When purchasing a Gucci belt online in the official store, it actually does not include a separate box for the belt, but just has the dark brown bag in the picture. Also, they should come with a dark brown string tied on the box to keep the item from falling out. specifically, the belt should come in the smallest Gucci bag available (the farthest to the right). The inside of the bag has the 'Double G' logo on all the sides, but on the bottom of the inside of the bag, there are no 'Double G's. The bag is a dark brown color with the 'Double G' printed all through the bag. Regardless, if you buy it new, It should come with the bag. However, It might of been possible that the supplier did not include the bag. If you bought a belt new from a website other than eBay, if you did not receive packaging, that's not a good sign. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN BUYING WATCHES ONLINE OR FROM STALLS.įirst, before we even talk about the belts, a Authentic Gucci belt, bought from the website or at a local Gucci boutique, always comes with a complementary bag, and not only for belts, but with all of their other products as well. The fake ones do not have a serial number, if they do then it's not a 9 digit serial number.
Gucci serial number check sandal serial numbers#
Gucci serial number check sandal code#
To analyze Gucci batch code, and check production date and shelf life for Gucci, please enter the batch code in the calculator form.